Staff Development is an important component for career advancement. We encourage all staff members to take advantage of this benefit, which can be used for conferences, trainings, and more.
Staff professional development is defined as any educational or training opportunity that improves and enhances skills and job capabilities related to the staff member’s current job. You may apply to the staff development chair to pay the cost of your registration fee up to $200 per person, per department, per six months (January – June and July – December).
Staff Development funds are intended to be used as a supplement to departmental funds. They are not intended to replace departmental funds. Check with your supervisor to see what is available.
Staff Development Funding Guidelines
- Staff professional development is defined as any educational or training opportunity that improves and enhances skills and job capabilities related to the staff member's current job.
- Use the budgeted development amount set aside by Staff Council and divide the amount in half. Half of the money will be allocated for the period July through December and the other half will be allocated January through June. The funding is offered on a first come, first serve basis.
- The funding limit will be $200 per person, per department, per six-month allocation period (i.e. July through December and January through June).
- To promote as many professional development opportunities, funding will be limited to one person per department/unit for a similar professional development opportunity within the same period. Exceptions to the Staff Development Guidelines will be taken into consideration by the Staff Development Committee. If more than one person per department/unit is applying for funding for the same event or conference, please provide an itinerary of the event with this application and indicate what sessions you will be attending. If more than one person from a department/unit is approved for staff development funding, please make sure you and your co-workers are attending different break-out sessions. Staff members benefiting from development opportunities are encouraged to share their experiences with other staff to promote additional development among other staff. We want staff to come back to campus and share their educational experiences with other staff members.
- Annual and professional membership dues are not eligible for staff development funds.
- Staff Development funds are intended to be used as a supplement to departmental funds, They are not intended to replace departmental funds. Applicants must be at least a half-time (20 or more hours per week) and must have completed the six-month probationary period to be eligible for Staff Development funds.
- Applicants should make every effort to honor the registration commitments made. If an applicant does not attend the development opportunity for which they applied, the employee will not be allowed to use Staff Development funds for the remainder of the current semester through the end of the following full semester. Repeat offenses may cause the employee’s eligibility to be reviewed for future use of funds.
- The annual cut-off for Staff Development Funds to be considered for the current fiscal (budget) year will be April 15. If the 15th falls on a weekend or holiday, the next normal business day will be the due date.
- Exceptions to the Staff Development Guidelines will be taken into consideration by the Staff Development Committee.
- Written appeals will be reviewed and decided upon by the Executive Committee.
Adopted by Staff Council, September 2010. Revised August 2015. Updated August 2021.
Please complete the Staff Development Funds Application. When complete, please print the form and obtain approval from your supervisor. Once signed by your supervisor, please email, mail or deliver the application and requested documentation to Staff Development Committee Chair, Kimberly Scott, Campus Box 130, Milledgeville, GA 31061. You can also contact Kimberly at 478-445-8505.